Today, I went to pottery barn to a get a gift for my good friend Becca "the booke" Michealsen's upcoming bridal shower. After parousing the store for awhile I contemplated having a 1 year "renewel of the vows" ceremony in order to re-enter the glorious world of registry, but I decided against it. In the aftermath of the decision I came across the highly coveted sale section, which is really a close second to free registry PB goods. In this dark and secret corner of pottery barn I found two ridiculously amazing throw pillows for me- myself- and I. They were sitting there looking up at me so longingly. the only two left... I had no choice. I puchased. I must admit it's a little selfish to buy a present for yourself while you are shopping for a friend, but no one can pass up a deal on chic throw pillows that are masculine- looking enough for your husband to comment "those pillows are cool" when you bring them home.
Here they are.
I was on a pretty big high from finding such a great pillow deal. However, as I was walking out of the store I started to feel a little selfish, and decided to direct my attention back to Becca "the booke" and her shower. Just then I realized.... oh dear, I have nothing to wear to this shower. A quick check of the wallet for a J Crew gift card from my mother in law and I was off in search of a fabulous new number to wear. We all have our days where a little retail therapy hits the spot. I may have been a little selfish today, but now I'll be able to support the Booke in style....
Couldn't find a picture of the actual dress i bought, but this one is really similar. Same print.
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