
{ A stolen Beverage }

So have to admit that I stole this post from *design sponge. But Duh, it's an awesome blog, so whatever.

This drink is summer personified.

I suggest you mix up one these babies (if you are of he appropriate age of course... not you Mariah) and sip in the sunshine. To enhance your experience you can relax in a green field, on a sandy beach, or perhaps just in your backyard with your feet up. swirl. sip. enjoy.

Magic Juice:
Ingredients (makes two drinks):
6 hulled strawberries
1 peeled orange
5-7 mint leaves
1/4 peeled cucumber
4-6 oz gin, depending on taste
8 oz fresh lemonade

Dice, then muddle fruits and mint
Pour gin into fruit mixture and let sit for 10-15 minutes
Strain over lemonade and ice
Garnish with fruit slice or mint leaf

{ One year }

It's so hard to believe that it's been a year since Chris and I got hitched. We've gone through so many changes, so many "firsts", and have had way to much fun together this year. Can't wait to live more life with this guy. So, Cheers to one wonderful year of marriage with the most fun, caring, kind, and attractive man I know.

I love you.


{married life}

Now that chris and I have been married nearly a year (June 20), we feel as though we have become extremely mature. We only engage in activities that are sophisticated and stately. We enjoy eating fine food and drinking fine beverages... we nevvver take pictures on my MacBook in our pajamas while drinking cheap wine and watching sports games. Never. We would never do that. We are always tre chic.


{packaging perfection}

I ran across the coolest website today. It's called the dieline and it features awesome and progressive packaging designs. The site says they are, "dedicated to the progress of the package design industry". Package design is something near and dear to my heart. Strange but true. Being a sucker for good design-- means I often swoon (dropping "ooo's" and "ahh's") when I see well thought-out design in ordinary practical places. I love it. Here are some great examples of work I found on their site.

Benetton Kitchen Eco Bag: When closed, the small pouch fits in a coat pocket or handbag and you can use it everywhere.
Once opened, the pouch works as an handle

Beautiful design from Olive and Sinclair: Southern artisan chocolate brand based out of Nashville Tennessee

Aromatherapy incense by Vancouver-based designer: Veronica Stark

Check out these Choco-latte's by: Natalia Bungert


{a room in venice}

I LOVE this room. The light. The Doors. The splashes of color. The simplicity. This is a house in venice beach that i would gladly spend some QT in.

Find more delicious designs by Commune.

{a little retail therapy}

Today, I went to pottery barn to a get a gift for my good friend Becca "the booke" Michealsen's upcoming bridal shower. After parousing the store for awhile I contemplated having a 1 year "renewel of the vows" ceremony in order to re-enter the glorious world of registry, but I decided against it. In the aftermath of the decision I came across the highly coveted sale section, which is really a close second to free registry PB goods. In this dark and secret corner of pottery barn I found two ridiculously amazing throw pillows for me- myself- and I. They were sitting there looking up at me so longingly. the only two left... I had no choice. I puchased. I must admit it's a little selfish to buy a present for yourself while you are shopping for a friend, but no one can pass up a deal on chic throw pillows that are masculine- looking enough for your husband to comment "those pillows are cool" when you bring them home.

Here they are.

I was on a pretty big high from finding such a great pillow deal. However, as I was walking out of the store I started to feel a little selfish, and decided to direct my attention back to Becca "the booke" and her shower. Just then I realized.... oh dear, I have nothing to wear to this shower. A quick check of the wallet for a J Crew gift card from my mother in law and I was off in search of a fabulous new number to wear. We all have our days where a little retail therapy hits the spot. I may have been a little selfish today, but now I'll be able to support the Booke in style....

Couldn't find a picture of the actual dress i bought, but this one is really similar. Same print.